Studienbegleitendes Portal für Präsenzlehre der Universität Rostock
Vorlesung: Collective Identities in a Globalised World - Details
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The Global Context of Collective Identities 1, The Global Context of Collective Identities 2, The Global Context of Collective Identities 3, Towards a Postnational World? 1, Towards a Postnational World? 2, Towards a Postnational World? 3, The Persistence of Class 1, The Persistence of Class 2, The Challenges of Multiculturalism 1, The Challenges of Multiculturalism 2, Gender, Sex and the Family 1, Gender, Sex and the Family 2

Räume und Zeiten

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Dienstag: 13:15 - 14:45, wöchentlich(13x)
Dienstag, 02.06.2020 13:15 - 14:45



The lectures cover key areas of Cultural Studies and introduce additional theoretical foundations for other courses in Cultural Studies. The course aims to familiarise students not only with broad theoretical concepts but also with the specialised terms and practices utilised in Cultural Studies. The individual sessions start by reviewing the topics first covered in the Grundkurs "Introduction to Cultural Studies", and then expand on them. The main thematic focus is on the concept and continued significance of collective identities in a globalised context. In addition to the global context, the course problematises and investigates collective identities such as national identity, class, ethnicity, and sex and gender. Participants are encouraged to buy Hartley, John (2011) Communication, Cultural and Media Studies. The Key Concepts. London and New York: Routledge (ISBN 0-415-26889-3).