Studienbegleitendes Portal für Präsenzlehre der Universität Rostock
Proseminar: An Introduction to Indigenous Film - Details
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Montag: 15:15 - 16:45, wöchentlich (11x)



Indigenous film has achieved a recognized status in both the United States and Canada. In this class, we will encounter a selection of feature films (such as Zacharias Kunuk's classic Atanarjuat) as well as documentaries, animations and experimental art films that have been created by indigenous film makers. We will think about categories such as indigenous film and postcolonial film, while also practicing our skills in film analysis and, of course, deepen our knowledge of indigenous history and contemporary lives and issues. Please be aware that, since we cannot always screen films in class time, students must be prepared to come to specially arranged viewings.


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